A change to the use of Echolink

There’s been a small change to a custom decode Echolink script at GB3OA repeater that should help local Echolink users.

The original IRLP/Echolink server required outgoing echolink request connections to be prefaced by the hash (#) symbol. With the new server software this changed to the star (*). This confused users but its change was detailed on both the GB3OA news page and the internet-linking page.

Looking at the logs many outbound echolink requests are still trying to use the hash symbol before eventually finding that the star symbol works instead. So to stop this confusion an addition to the DTMF custom decode script has now been added allowing either the hash or star symbol to work.

For example, to now connect GB3OA to GB3CA (Carlisle) both #412685 and *412685 will work.

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Connecting Echolink to IRLP on GB3OA not possible

This was not mentioned on the Internet Linking page on the GB3OA website and so one user was trying to do this. The following has now been added to the Internet Linking page….

Can I come into GB3OA using Echolink and send DTMF tones over Echolink to make GB3OA connect to an IRLP node or reflector?

The full answer is No.

Firstly, the nodes server filters out any DTMF tones on Echolink. Secondly it’s not possible to link Echolink to IRLP. The Echolink and IRLP bods have agreed this as the two are quite different, and it could lead to technical problems at the reflector or node. Thirdly, it’s possible to have several Echolink connections at OA at once, but only one IRLP connection, and if IRLP is being used then no Echolink connections are possible. This is the situation with all IRLP and Echolink repeaters.

Note also that on this page the link URL on the first link at the bottom of the page is now correct. This allows a user to see all IRLP nodes.

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Technical details – SAS streaming

A couple of local operators have asked for technical details on relaying pilots talkback during the Southport Air Show through shoutcast.com

The normal rig that receives GB3OA transmissions is a Baofeng UV-3R. Its audio output is pumped through a sound card attached to a Raspberry Pi v.2. This uses the audio level controller Alsamixer program and then DarkIce to convert the analogue audio to digital and send it to shoutcast.com.

However, the UV-3R does not have AM nor airband to be able to receive the pilots transmissions. So a Kenwood TH-F7 HT will be used instead of the Baofeng. This rig has wide-band receive from 100kHz to 1.3GHz, and can receive CW, SSB, AM and wide and narrow FM. It can only transmit on 2m and 70cms, using wide or narrow FM.

A test with this rig was carried out earlier in the week tuned to Manchester Airport Area Control Centre on 128.050MHz and streamed to shoutcast.com. All worked well. The main frequency that will be used for the Southport Air Show will be 121.175MHz although other frequencies will be monitored and the TH-F7 retuned should another frequency be more interesting.

Note that once the TH-F7 is set up during this afternoon it will be left as is until the Air Show completes on Sunday at around 17.00BST. Therefore there will be no relaying of GB3OA during that period.

Also, the introductory announcement on the stream to shoutcast.com will change, to explain the new relay for those listening in worldwide.

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Tweeting now online again

Since the change to a new nodes server at GB3OA the tweet messages of when there is a connection to the nodes has been offline. Now, through the efforts of Repeater Keeper Mark G4EID, this facility is all fully working again.

The tweets can either be seen on the right hand side of any page on https://gb3oa.org.uk , or by subscribing to GB3OA on Twitter. By subscribing on Twitter you get instant notification that a user has connected to one of the nodes, the distant IRLP or Echolink node or reflector in use, and the callsign of the user.

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