Internet Linking

To avoid any confusion, just a friendly reminder that the internet linking (both IRLP and EchoLink) is currently not available on GB3OA.

It is planned to have it returned as soon as possible, but the hard drive in the “Node” PC died a couple of days back. We’re in the process of finding some new (and hopefully a little more up to date hardware) to run it all on.

Hopefully it shouldn’t take too long to get the linking back on.


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GB3OA update 16th November 2013

Well apologies for the delay, but the receiver fault on GB3OA has finally been fixed. It turned out to be a dodgy lead from the cavity set to the receiver. Sensitivity measured at the aerial port of the cavity set is now 0.43 microvolts to open the repeater.

We’re working now on rebuilding the internet linking PC, since when that was turned back on, the hard drive failed.

Best regards, Mark.

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