Back to basics…..

After several months of operation, looking at the logs it’s clear to see the repeater is getting very little use. Maybe with all the additional ways of linking that were provided, it’s all got a little too complicated. So….

Changes have been made with the result that GB3OA is now a simple FM / C4FM repeater with no additional ways of linking (Wires-X of course still exists). It’s not normally connected anywhere, but does have its own room (Southport-UK). So, feel free to use it to suit your own needs. Hopefully this way we may get a little more activity!

The SW-LANCS YSF Reflector and XLX704 XLX reflector are no more.

73, The GB3OA team.

4 thoughts on “Back to basics…..”

  1. Hello GB3OA team

    Thanks for the update and sorry to read of the demise of SW-LANCS YSF and XLX704. Maybe in time this may return ?

    I did give the occasional call out with no reply, and feel that if it was connected to another network either parttime or fulltime after 15mins of inactivity e.g, NWFG et al. but not hubnet please it may generate some interest in the use of the repeater?

    In the occasional chats on another fusion/dstar repeater across the Ribble it appeared very few about GB3OA being fusion enabled.

    If there is anything I can do to support my local repeater please feel free to contact me.

    Thanks for trying as well keeping GB3OA alive
    73 de Ian G8ZHC.

  2. Thanks Ian. Your thoughts are aligned with us on this 🙂 We’ve just completed the installation of a scheduling script for Wires-X since the function is not native to the app itself.

    We’ll make a formal announcement in due course, but the feature is on test at the moment. Twice a day, ‘OA is connected up to NWFG, once from 7am to 10am to catch the ‘Squirrel Net, and again between 1pm and 3pm.

    Let’s see how this goes!

    Best regards, Mark, G4EID.

    1. Mark

      Many thanks for the update, and will try to participate via GB3OA when linked to NWFG to help support you.

      Just monitoring now (8am Sunday) and all sounds good and I hope this is the start of OA’s revised journey into Fusion.

      Kind Regards
      Ian G8ZHC

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