IRLP and Echolink now running like clockwork

The IRLP and Echolink nodes have now been adjusted and can be confirmed to be spot-on.

To find a list of IRLP nodes that are either Active, Idle or Down, go to:

At this website there are also details of IRLP Reflector connections and Echolink Conferences. And looking at the Reflectors it’s noticeable that there isn’t one for the UK. There used to be one in Lancaster, run by Mike Dent G6PHF. If anyone has the technical nouse then I’m sure one would be welcomed and increase activity.

Finally, remember to put a # before an Echolink number and to announce yourself.
Enjoy the nodes and GB3OA.

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Let’s Get it Right. IRLP and Echolink.

I’m sure we all want GB3OA’s transmission quality and abilities to be top-notch. With this in mind we’ve decided to keep the IRLP and Echolink nodes off the air until later tomorrow. This has the advantage that all changes are instigated in one testing block, rather than disrupting the nodes several times over a period.

At certain points you may hear David Cameron (yes, really!) VE7LTD transmitting audio tests. Thanks, but there is no need to respond with a report as he is being monitored by us (but those who do we understand it’s only natural to come back with a report 🙂 )

Looking at the coverage page on the GB3OA website the repeater covers a huge swathe of the North Wales coast, N.Liverpool, coastal and inland Lancashire, and the South Lakes. From all these areas GB3OA has users…. and so we want it to be the best.

Let’s Get it Right. IRLP and Echolink. Read More »

IRLP and Echolink nodes now back on air

The IRLP and Echolink nodes are now testing and in beta form on-air through GB3OA. The repeater keepers apologise for the time it has taken to re-instate them but, as regular readers know, a new server had to be purchased.

It is unlikely that they will be off-air while the testing phase is advanced as this can be done live on-air.

We now ask all past users to try both the Echolink, and especially the IRLP node, so we can tweak the nodes with precision. As mentioned, this can be done while you’re having a QSO. Please give your callsign as normal.

Those users who are experienced in using IRLP, we ask that if you find a problem to think about its possible cause, and submit a report to:

We may just reply a Thanks, and not any detail on the possible cause….

Hopefully it may get some interesting use over the next four days with licenced spectators before and after The Open hours.

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