Linking Options at GB3OA

Basic Repeater

GB3OA runs on a Yaesu DR-2XE. If you’re within range of the repeater, you can use basic analogue or C4FM and hold QSO’s with other amateurs who are also within the coverage area of the repeater. Things don’t get simpler than this. Arguably this is not real linking, other than providing the ability for two stations who cannot hear each other directly to communicate!

Wires-X (within GB3OA’s coverage area)

In addition to the above, GB3OA is also connected (on site) to a Yaesu HRI-200 with a PC and an internet connection. This enables the use of Wires-X. It’s not the intention of giving a Wires-X tutorial here, there are many good ones available elsewhere, but suffice it to say users can make full use of the Wires-X features of the repeater.

Linking to GB3OA


There are two scenarios here. The first is that you’re within RF range of a node or repeater (which support Wires-X) and you wish to connect up to GB3OA. Simply use your radio and connect directly to the repeater. The second is if you have your own Wires-X ready station at your own QTH. The simplest set up is what’s called Wires-X Portable Digital Node, the details of this can be seen here. Alternatively you may have a more traditional node set up using an HRI-200. Details of how to set this up can be found here. Whichever set up you have, just connect to the repeater that way.