GB3OA IRLP and Hurricane Irma

The IRLP node at GB3OA is not functioning at present owing to problems caused by Hurricane Irma. Therefore it has been disabled for the present.

The Echolink node at GB3OA is for the moment functioning correctly, although, of course, this could well alter.

Any changes to the above will be posted.

RF to RF QSOs via GB3OA are not affected, nor The Stream to

GB3OA IRLP and Hurricane Irma Read More »

IRLP and Echolink nodes will be down for a short time

The IRLP and Echolink nodes 5302 will be down for a short time either this afternoon (Saturday) or tomorrow afternoon. This is to add a fan to a PSU that is warming up on longer node connections, and to also make a slight modification to monitoring equipment.

It’s expected that the nodes will be down for about an hour, although Murphy’s Law may rear its head of course 🙂

The node equipment itself will not be touched so no change will be noticed when using them after the downtime.

RF to RF contacts will not be affected during the downtime and continue as normal. Also, The Stream to will continue as normal.

IRLP and Echolink nodes will be down for a short time Read More »

IRLP and Echolink now running like clockwork

The IRLP and Echolink nodes have now been adjusted and can be confirmed to be spot-on.

To find a list of IRLP nodes that are either Active, Idle or Down, go to:

At this website there are also details of IRLP Reflector connections and Echolink Conferences. And looking at the Reflectors it’s noticeable that there isn’t one for the UK. There used to be one in Lancaster, run by Mike Dent G6PHF. If anyone has the technical nouse then I’m sure one would be welcomed and increase activity.

Finally, remember to put a # before an Echolink number and to announce yourself.
Enjoy the nodes and GB3OA.

IRLP and Echolink now running like clockwork Read More »