GB3OA back on air

Although nothing was actually found that could explain the problems that took ‘OA off air, a re-aligmment of some elements on the repeater has been undertaken. As promised, the repeater was back “on air” yesterday (19th December), but in the event, only into a dummy load. The decision to do this was based on the fact, that we eventually decided to replace the PA unit regardless, and it was thought appropriate that a period of monitoring *very* locally was the best approach for a few hours.

All appears to be ok, so as of 17:30 today (20th December 2014), the repeater’s TX has been reconnected to the aerial. Over the next couple of weeks or so, it will be monitored closely to assess if any issues still persist. During this period, the internet linking won’t be enabled. It’s simply a precaution that should prevent any interference (should the existing problems return), being re-broadcast around the globe.

Fingers crossed all is ok. Apologies once again for the outage.

Mark G4EID & Philip G8XVV.

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Date for repeater back on-air

Investigations have been made with the repeater and it is now due to return to service on Friday 19th December, as from that date it can be monitored closely. Although the repeater has been re-aligned nothing was forthcoming as to the initial problem.

It may be that the problem was local QRN unintentionally made – let’s hope this was a one-off.

The repeater keepers thoroughly apologise for the extended time that the repeater has been off air and thank all its users that have contacted them with their continuing support.

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Latest details on RAYNET use of GB3OA on 31st August

Specifics have now been finalised for the Rotary Walk between North Liverpool and Southport on 31st August 2014 when RAYNET will have exclusive use of GB3OA.

The times of RAYNET’s use will now be 08.30 BST until at least 16.00 BST (07.30 UTC till 15.00 UTC).

As before, IRLP and Echolink interlinking will not be available between these times, but the Shoutcast stream will not be affected.

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RAYNET use of GB3OA during August 2014

There will be a Southport RAYNET Emergency Service practice session on the repeater from approx. 18.45 til 20.15 BST on Wednesday August 20th.

And on Sunday 31st August RAYNET will be engaged on a local Rotary walk from approx. 08.00 till 14.00 BST.

During both these events the repeater will be handed over completely to RAYNET, interlinking will be cut, and it will be appreciated if non-RAYNET operators forgo using GB3OA.

The Shoutcast stream will not be affected and continue as normal.

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