Author name: admin

GB3OA and Southport Air Show details

We’ve put the following onto the Southgate ARC news website which feeds many clubs, as well as the ARRL news site:

This week there will be many thousands of scanner enthusiasts descending on Southport, UK for the Southport Air Show, and no doubt many of these will be hams. 2m repeater GB3OA, located next to Southport railway station, covers the beach fully at excellent strength, and has IRLP and Echolink nodes 5302. The full details for your HT memory are 145.6125, PL tone 82.5Hz and -600kHz shift. Up to 150,000 spectators will attend over the three days of Friday 15th, Sat. 16th and Sunday 17th, so a QSO is virtually guaranteed. Timeout is five minutes for RF-RF QSOs or four minutes for IRLP and Echolink, but please try to keep overs short.

The show starts at 17.35UTC on the Friday and 12.00UTC on the Saturday and Sunday. On the Friday aircraft will land on the beach and they can then be inspected up close. The Saturday and Sunday will have, amongst other attractions, bombing of the beach, twister aerobatics, kids tanks to drive, a paintball range and of course fly pasts of many classic and modern aircraft and helicopters. Full details can be found at:

For those who can’t attend, the GB3OA stream on Shoutcast which normally relays the output of GB3OA repeater, will be turned over to relaying the main talkback frequency of the pilots. To hear this go to and search for GB3OA.

The repeater keepers and Southport hams look forward to having a QSO with operators at this event and also via IRLP and Echolink through GB3OA.

The repeater keepers ask that Southport locals keep an ear on GB3OA during this period and respond to calls or CQs through GB3OA to make visitors welcome.

GB3OA and Southport Air Show details Read More »

GB3OA IRLP now back on-line

Testing this morning shows that IRLP is now back on-line and working normally. It seems something must have happened over in the States due to Hurricane Irma to cause the outage. However, there is another Hurricane on its way so there may be problems again when it passes through.

Also, the IRLP node status page was not updated from 10.38 UTC yesterday but is now being updated OK.

Echolink continues to work normally.

GB3OA IRLP now back on-line Read More »

GB3OA IRLP and Hurricane Irma

The IRLP node at GB3OA is not functioning at present owing to problems caused by Hurricane Irma. Therefore it has been disabled for the present.

The Echolink node at GB3OA is for the moment functioning correctly, although, of course, this could well alter.

Any changes to the above will be posted.

RF to RF QSOs via GB3OA are not affected, nor The Stream to

GB3OA IRLP and Hurricane Irma Read More »

IRLP and Echolink nodes will be down for a short time

The IRLP and Echolink nodes 5302 will be down for a short time either this afternoon (Saturday) or tomorrow afternoon. This is to add a fan to a PSU that is warming up on longer node connections, and to also make a slight modification to monitoring equipment.

It’s expected that the nodes will be down for about an hour, although Murphy’s Law may rear its head of course 🙂

The node equipment itself will not be touched so no change will be noticed when using them after the downtime.

RF to RF contacts will not be affected during the downtime and continue as normal. Also, The Stream to will continue as normal.

IRLP and Echolink nodes will be down for a short time Read More »