Operating Guidelines

  • In line with the latest guidelines, the repeater is set to narrow deviation FM.
  • On FM, a CTCSS tone of 82.5Hz is required for access.
  • The repeater is a Yaesu DR-2XE. It is configured to use both C4FM and standard FM. It’s one mode or the other, not both together. If the repeater detects C4FM, its output will also be C4FM, if it detects analogue, then it’s analogue on the output. It switches between the two automatically.
  • You are free to disconnect and then connect up to wherever you like.
  • Don’t expect too much DX – the coverage area is deliberately kept balanced to keep within the limitations of the NOV and to provide predominantly local coverage.
  • Due to limitations of the onboard logic, no courtesy tone (e.g. a ‘K’) is given when the repeater is in analogue mode. The squelch tail is set to 2.5 seconds so you can at least check whether you’re getting in.
  • In analogue mode, the repeater is set to ID (in CW) every fifteen minutes.
  • Above all use the repeater sensibly, giving consideration to other users.